The Power of Surrender

Wow, I’m actually alive? And still doing this blog thing? Yep, but I had to learn a year-long lesson regarding surrender. Let me share what I’ve figured out.

Sue Richards:

Sue Richards:

As mentioned in my very first blog post on here, “Excuses, Excuses…” (shameless plug), I had followed the easy route most of us take in making excuses for not achieving what I want. Once I realized what I was doing, I went forward with the notion to not make any excuses (as much as possible anyway… I’m still human) and to just go forward and do what I want to do. One of those things was to maintain a blog that allowed me to write what I want, mostly about spiritual and motivational “stuff”, to share what I’ve been learning.

And so I did. I worked on the blog pretty diligently until 2014 came. Then the proverbial poop hit the fan. The next lesson came whether I knew if I was ready for it or not.

Surrender. This was lesson two.

During 2014, a lot of events happened; some being positive (becoming a godmother was an honor), some neutral (OMG I’m thirty now) and some not good at all (sadly lost a few close friends to cancer). It seemed like whenever I was ready to write a post on here, life got in the way and directed my attention elsewhere. I started to beat myself up, concerned that I was just making up excuses in my head, placing blame on these other events, rather than doing what I felt I should be doing.

But life is funny that way. I had to learn to surrender and just “go with the flow” for once.

All these things I felt or thought or fretted over were all my own ego. When things are meant to happen, they will happen. That includes having the time to be able to write on here to whomever loves reading this stuff (hello!) as well as any tasks and events that come into your life. No matter how much planning or prepping you do, life will somehow throw you a curve ball and surrender will be your friend.

So what now? Well, things have finally calmed down on my end of things. I’ve started a new job, focusing back on my physical health, and slowly getting better with prioritizing my time which should all allow me to get back on track… life willing.

Moral: Do not forget to surrender to the flow of life.

The Lightworker Syndrome

The Lightworker Syndrome (noun): When a practicing lightworker stretches himself or herself beyond their own limits in order to help another person.

What in the world am I talking about?

One thing I have noticed among many lightworkers is that we tend to overdo a lot of things, mainly helping others. Lightworkers obviously want to help our fellow man, but we are guilty of not helping ourselves. We worry that we are being selfish and we are eager to help bring more light to the world.

While this is a very noble idea, it is also a bit egotistical in a way. And here come the torches and pitchforks…

Before I get crucified for that statement, let me explain. Every single one of us has a path to walk on. In the grand scheme of things, each path is very important to one single person: our own self. Even though there is always reasoning that the Divine has in putting certain road blocks, obstacles, T intersections and various other twists and turns, it is always left to us as human beings to decide how react, respond and move forward. Why? Because we have free will. No one is forcing us to feel bad for certain situations. It is how we are reacting to a situation we are facing.

Now we come to lightworkers. I, personally, am not a fan of the term (it is very one-sided, and that is another blog entry for another time), but each lightworker has their own path. But one “bump in the road” that I’ve come to notice that many lightworkers have to face and come to terms with is boundaries.

And yes, I’m guilty of this too. So before we start throwing busses, let me share how I’ve come to terms with this lesson in life.

Visualize for a moment you are going to see a surgeon for a procedure. Before your surgery, you meet the head surgeon managing your surgery. When the surgeon comes in, you notice that their nose is running, eyes are bloodshot, numerous dark circles around their eyes and they’re coughing every now and again. Now would you want them performing a surgery on you? Of course not.

This is the same with lightworkers. Most lightworkers want to heal other people in order to bring more light (hence the term) into the lives of the people they’re helping. However, just like with the surgeon analogy, many forget to take care of themselves. The surgeon and the lightworker may be coming to their patient with the best of intentions, but the personal boundaries of the surgeon and lightworker have now been ignored.

And now we are drained and are the ones in need of healing.

Then you become drained and are the one in need of healing.

So, how do you overcome the lightworker syndrome? Simple. Take care of yourself.

Make sure after doing a lightworking session on an individual that you take time to clear yourself and ground yourself. Give yourself time to work on your own healing and spiritual growth. Don’t forget, you’re walking your own path too and you have many lessons and healings to go through. Get back to basics and listen to your intuition. If your body or your spiritual teachers are saying this person cannot get help from you right now, listen. It doesn’t reflect on your abilities or how you are as a person. You have a right to the person you’re helping, as well as yourself, to respect the divine timing, and do spiritual work at 100% efficiency.

If you find yourself like the surgeon in the example above, for goodness sake, call off from work! Take time to heal. RESPECT yourself.

You will be amazed on how much more energy and healing you can bring forward if you work within the divine timing and your own boundaries. Just like an employee coming back from a vacation, you will feel refreshed and ready to do what needs to be done. Don’t challenge your boundaries, respect them. Once making peace with them, then you will notice that they will begin to change as you begin to change. Enjoy, respect and dance within the flow.

Moral: RESPECT your boundaries. LISTEN to yourself. And REMEMBER to continue walking your path.